About Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a profound approach to the alleviation of human suffering. In this practice, students and practitioners learn to orient to the underlying forces that organize life, which manifest as tide-like phenomena called Primary Respiration. These universal forces orchestrate the development of the embryo and are constantly at work within the human system maintaining cohesiveness and balance. Students learn that there is a constant interplay between Primary Respiration and the conditional forces encountered in the course of life. All tissue patterning and fluid congestion present within a client’s system is the effect of this interplay.

The goal of biodynamic therapy is to restore natural function and ease suffering by re-orienting the client’s system to the presence of Primary Respiration, and to the Dynamic Stillness from which it emerges.

Biodynamic Therapy is based on the following central precepts:

  • The generation of a safe and trustworthy relational field is paramount in healing our deepest suffering.
  • Profound and subtle forces emerge from a depth of stillness and shape all form and function.
  • These forces may be perceived directly, and their effects may be observed in physical, emotional and mental phenomena.
  • Orientation to the arising forces and to the Stillness from which they emerge, initiates a deep healing process.

For a more complete description of Biodynamic principles, see the Resources section and the Standards for Education.

Franklyn Sills is a significant contributor in the development of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, having developed the 50-day foundation course curriculum, training the first generations of non-osteopathic practitioners, and creating much of the language that is currently used to describe the work. Sills teaches frequently in Europe and North America; contact member school for a current schedule.